Ben Old School computer nerd

Fruit Cake Of Pod

Fruit Cake Of Pod

Eat Small, Eat Dense

I’m fortunate to have plenty of stuff going on lately. Most if that is in the Work domain of life.

It’s been seriously knocking back my podcast listening and online interactions.

I struck a bunch of wonderful free stuff this week that I feel compelled to write about.

Just now, I finished Sean Carrol’s interview with Thi Nguyen on Games, Art, Values, and Agency

Apparently, there are transcripts on Mindscape now. I’ll find them and come back to them.

Suffice to say, I’m think this pod might bring about some change in my Game Theory beliefs, particularly after the Winners are Losers post, in which the writing served a purpose that seems a bit novel.

What I’m trying to express is… by writing all the way to my edge (I’m quoting Steven Grey, Adyashanti), I can sense that some of the stuck emotional struts in belief system seem a lot more mobile.

The analogy coming to mind is.. [sorry, have to come back to this]